
Spinach Genome DataBase

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a member of the subfamily Chenopodioideae within the family Amaranthaceae, and grown as a nutritious leafy vegetable in over 50 countries worldwide. Unlike most members of Chenopodioideae (x = 9), spinach and other Spinacia members (S. turkestanica and S. tetrandra) are dioecious, and have n = x = 6 chromosomes including sex chromosomes (XY). Furthermore, spinach has also long served as a model to study plant sex determination and expression as well as flavonoid biosynthesis and chloroplast function. Toward accelerating spinach breeding efficiency and enhancing the value of this species as a model plant more and more, Spinach Genome DataBase provides a genome assembly (SOL_r1.1) and pseudomolecules (SOL_r1.0_pseudomolecule) for spinach (breeding line 03-009), as well as a set of predicted genes (SOL_r1.1a) from the genome assembly.



  • Number of Sequences : 287
  • Total Length (bp) : 935,652,614
  • N50 Length (bp) : 11,296,190
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  • Number of Sequences : 6
  • Total Length (bp) : 687,989,365
  • N50 Length (bp) : 124,699,619
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